Your Certified Industrial Hygienist Team
Health Science Associates Senior Staff Members
Howard B. Spielman — CEO
Considered to be a pioneer in the Industrial Hygiene industry, Howard B. Spielman, CIH, CSP, CAC, SMS, CDPH I/A-PM has more than 45 years of experience performing IAQ, health and safety reviews.
Most recently, Mr. Spielman has been selected as the recipient of the AIHA Donald E. Cummings Memorial Award for Outstanding OEHS Practice. This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the knowledge and practice of the OEHS profession through demonstrated practical application of OEHS knowledge, advances in the practice of total work health, expanding the profession through active collaboration via alliances and partnerships, and the creation of tools applicable beyond the OEHS profession.
He was a member of the Cal/OSHA Advisory Committee that drafted California’s first standard for control of occupational exposure. He also provided input for legislative hearings that led to California’s prohibition of asbestos in sprayed-on construction materials.
Mr. Spielman has taught the “Managing and Controlling Asbestos Contamination/Exposure” course and significant portions of the AHERA Building Inspector and Management Planner courses offered by the University of Southern California’s Institute of Safety and Systems Management. He also teaches HSA’s in-house course which is equivalent to the AHERA supervisor course and OSHA competent person training.
Mr. Spielman serves as a consultant for a variety of clients and has prepared numerous specifications for removal, renovation work and maintenance activities. He also provides consultation to the legal profession and has been an expert witness in a variety of cases.
CV: Download a complete resume of Howard Spielman’s experience and qualifications here ››
Joel I. Berman — President
Joel I. Berman, is President of Health Science Associates, a full service Industrial Hygiene and Environmental consulting firm. Mr. Berman is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), a Certfied Safety Professional in Comprehensice Practice and Safety Management Specialist (CSP), a California Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) and a California Department of Public Health Inspector/Assessor (I/A) and Project Monitor (PM). Mr. Berman has also added the Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager (CIAQM) designation to his list of certifications. Mr. Berman is tasked with providing strong leadership for the company by working with the board and other executives to establish short and long-term goals, plans and strategies. He is responsible for presiding over the entire workforce, managing budgets and making sure resources are allocated properly. He makes sure all departments meet their individual goals and are responsible for overall accountability. He encourages business development and acts as the public face of the company. Additionally, Mr. Berman is also responsible for mentoring and to help grow the next generation of Industrial Hygienists. His duties include project oversight of HSA’s professional and technician staff, project set-up, field investigations, report writing and review, etc. He has a BS in Business Administration with an option in Marketing from Long Beach State.
Mr. Berman has been employed with HSA since 1985. He has performed various duties with HSA: technician; project manager; Industrial Hygienist; Director of Health and Safety Services; and Vice President. He has provided consulting to HSA’s clientele on various health and safety issues including, but not limited to: asbestos; radon; mercury; indoor air quality; safety evaluation; program management; and in the Southern California area is a well known and respected expert witness in various areas of practice, including fungal – microbiological contamination issues, toxic torts and asbestos.
Mr. Berman has served on the Orange County AIHA local section board for several years and is currently the OCAIHA alternate representative on the California Industrial Hygiene Council (CIHC) Board. In the past Mr. Berman served on the OCAIHA board as the Secretary and the committee planning the Joint Technical Symposium (JTS). He also serves on the Stewardship and Sustainability Technical Committee for the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).
CV: Download a complete resume of Joel I. Berman’s experience and qualifications here
Read Article by Joel I. Berman: Claims Magazine July 2005, Bottling Up Water-Intrusion Claims ››